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We had such an amazing time at the Carnival yesterday - thank you so much for all the support and contributions! 🎪☀️🍦


We are really looking forward to carnival this afternoon! As it will be hot, please follow these sun-safety tips to make sure children are safe:


Last  Friday, we had an amazing time celebrating Bastille Day at Kent House! From nursery to Y6, every child enjoyed a rich experience. It was a day full of fun, learning, and vibrant cultural immersion!


We are so proud of our Nursery children, graduating up into Reception! They are amazing, and have grown and learned so much this year! 🎓 (They blew our socks off! 🧦🧦)


We are so excited to be hosting and for a friendly football competition today - years 3, 4 and 5! We're lookong forward to seeing some amazing sportsmanship


Our Year 4s have been creating some incredible artwork! Here are their tie-die t-shirts, inspired by the work of Lisa Walton and Chuah Thean Teng


We really enjoyed hearing and learning about how brass instruments work, and even had a demonstration!


On Wednesday this week our Year 6 children took part in the Junior Citizenship scheme, working with , , and to make sure we are all secondary-ready!


Some of our Year 5s and 6s went to watch (and play!) some world-class cricket at the County Cricket Ground yesterday - West Indies v First Class County!


Our year 1s had an amazing time at Kew Gardens yesterday, learning so much about flowers and how plants grow!


I wonder if you can spot our fabulous musicians in the Harris Federation Primary Orchestra!


To all our Year 6 parents and carers:We are on the train back to Kent House, ETA back at school is 18:15 🚂


Year 6 have arrived at the Apollo Victoria Theatre ready to watch Wicked! 🧹


We are really excited to be able to invite you to another Book Fair here at Kent House📚📍Friday 12th and Monday 15th July 2024 at 3.30 pm📍In the Hall or in the playground (weather depending)📍We will only be accepting card on the day


Excited to read that Y6 are going to see this afternoon! What a spectacular end of year treat for them. They are going to LOVE it! Have the best time 🥳 🎭!


To all our Year 6 parents and carers:We are so excited for our trip to see Wicked this afternoon! Just a reminder that we will not return to school until approximately 6:30pm. We will let you know if we will be any earlier/later!


Some lovely pictures from our Year 3 DT learning! The children made some great mechanical puppets using recognisable characters and different motions to meet their design brief 🙂


Our Year 4s had an incredible time at the Houses of Parliament last week, discovering how our country is run, and even engaging in a debate!


All smiles ahead of year 3 & 4 Sports Day! 💪☀️


Another beautiful day for Sports Day, our children and parents are having a brilliant time!

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Year 4

Summer 2
Welcome to Year 4: 
Manatee and Takin Class 


Miss Parmar is the class teacher in Hadrian’s Wall Class and Miss Rahman is teaching Manatee Class.


Welcome to year 4! We hope you find the information below useful. This information will help you support your child at home with the organisation of their week and their learning at home.

Key Times


Homework will be set every week. This homework includes spellings (new spellings given out on Monday), learning timetables (1-12) and every child should be reading for 10-15 minutes every day.


In Manatee class, PE is on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  

In Takin, students do PE on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Please ensure that your child has a clean PE kit to bring in at the start of each week. The kit should consist of a white PE T-shirt, black shorts, black jogging bottoms, black trainers or plimsolls.

Key Times

In Year 4, children will be dismissed at the end of the day at 3:30. Please make sure your child is in class by 8:30 as we will be doing ‘early work’ on times tables knowledge as well as other short activities.


In week 2 we will be completing our Multiplication Check of the 1-12 timetables. Please make sure you are practising at home as much as possible. We will also be visiting Pizza Express for an amazing pizza workshop. There is also an upcoming trip to the Houses of Parliament.  Finally, we will celebrate Harris Kent House Sports Day and Carnival.


What are we learning?


In Literacy, we will be reading “The Girl Who Stole an Elephant”, which is an adventure novel about a young girl, Chaya. With a group of unexpected friends, she will face dangerous journey, and difficult rebellion. Our writing focus will be narrative, newspaper report and an instruction text.


In Maths, we will begin by looking at shape – looking at different types of angles as well as looking at the qualities of different shapes. Next, we will move onto Statistics, where students will begin to explore different types of graph including bar and line graphs. Finally we will be looking at position and direction, where students will learn how to plot and translate co-ordinates onto a grid.


In Science, we will be learning about our environment and the positive and negative effects that humans have on it. Furthermore, we will investigate the damage that littering, and deforestation is having on our environment and how we can prevent it. Finally, we will be developing our understanding of what global warming is.


In Geography, we will look at how to control floods, what coastal zones are, and what processes occur on our coastline. We will then investigate what landforms exist on our coasts and what humans are doing to protect them.


We will continue learning about the Ancient Kingdom of Benin. We will be looking at the trade relationships, conflicts and how it was different from the British history.


In RE, we will be learning ‘How Christians show their commitment to God’. To do this, we will look at what the Bible and the ten commandments say, as well as what Christians do in their day-to-day life.


In Computing, the children will be looking at ‘Making Music’. This will include looking into the main elements of music such as Pulse, Rhythm, Tempo and Pitch. They will use Purple Mash to experiment with these musical elements and try to create a melodic phrase before creating a piece of electronic music.


In Art we will start our unit of textiles where we will be exploring the Shibori pattern, batik and tie dye. We will create our own designs using these methods and then finish off with needle work.


This term, children will develop and improve their healthy lunch projects according to the design brief. Moreover, they will practice cutting skills and think about their project presentation before presenting their final product.   


In French, children will continue the theme from the previous term (vocabulary for family and face). In addition, they will be using the knowledge to re-tell the popular French story.


In PSHE, we will be discussing the concept of self and how to develop an awareness of different influences on who we are. We will explore physical and mental health.   


In PE we will be learning about cricket. We will learn the rules as well as developing our understanding of running, batting, bowling and catching.


We will be focusing on playing and composing music while developing an understanding of how melodies are produced using scale and tonality.  

How can I help at home?

One of the key ways every parent can help is to ensure that your child is at school every day and on time. Other than this, the main way you can help is by ensuring that your child reads every day, for at least 10-15 minutes (filling in their Rainbow Bookmark) – this can be with you, or on their own, but it is the most effective way of ensuring that your child progresses and learns outside of school. All pupils should be practicing their spellings set each week, every day. Children also have their PurpleMash and Timetables Rock Stars login – please encourage them to use these frequently, as it will really help with their quick recall of mathematical facts and their timetables. As Year 4 have their timetables check in the Summer Term, it is also vital that they are practicing their timetables 1-12 every day to prepare them for this.

If you have any questions, please talk to Miss Mir or Mrs. Borecka, or you can arrange a meeting at the office.


Miss Parmar and Miss Rahman