Year 3
Autumn 1
Welcome to Year 3:
Orchid and Marigold Class
Miss Sayers this year is teaching Orchid class and Ms Hewitt is the class teachers in Marigold class. Miss Ing will be supporting across Year 3.
Welcome to year 3! We hope you find the information below useful. This information will help you support your child at home with the organisation of their week and their learning at home.
Key Times
Homework | Each week, childrenâ¯are expected to learn their spellings, practise their times tables, practise their joined-up handwriting and read for 30 minutes eachâ¯night. |
PE | In year 3, the PE days are Tuesday and Thursday for both classes. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing school uniform and they will then change in school.
Trips | We are planning a local trip to Penge library where they will be able to explore the variety of books they have. They will also use their geography skills to use a map to get to and from the library.
Key Times | For Year 3, the school day will begin at 8.30, and end at 3.30.
What are we learning?
Literacy | In Literacy, we will begin by reading “Ug: Boy Gernius of the Stone Age” Which is a graphic novel by Raymond Briggs. This is a fun story about a Stone Age boy, which also ties in with our learning in History. We will be looking at character description, newspaper reports and writing rules. |
Maths | In Maths, we will be focusing on Place Value, Addition and Subtraction. We will be further looking into identifying and using patterns and solving number problems and practical problems involving these ideas. |
Science | Forces will be the main focus this term. We will be performing experiments to explore how forces have a different impact on objects and then we will introduce the study of magnets and what forces they use. |
Geography | Reading and understanding maps will be the subject of our geographical learning for the Autumn term. We will be using Ordnance Survey maps to locate human and physical features and we will be locating places using compass points and co-ordinates. |
History | In History, we will be exploring the Stone Age. We will be looking at the tools from the period and we will examine the role of archaeologists in learning about ancient civilisations. |
RE | In RE this term we will be focusing on key Hindu beliefs, and also the festival of Diwali and the stories behind it. |
Computing | There will be a new Computing curriculum at HPAKH this year. Year 3 will start by learning all about digital technology, what it does and how it works. |
Art | In Art, we will be learning about drawing, Exploring different methods and techniques. We will focus on the Italian technique of sgraffito, which involves using different tools and mediums to scratch and engrave an image. |
French | In French, we will be learning basic vowel sounds, words associated with them, and fundamentals of French including greetings. |
PSHE | In PSHE we will be thinking about families and relationships. We will also have a focus on wellbeing. |
PE | In PE we will be doing Netball. |
Music | The child will learn a variety of songs in Singing and will learn the violin with a specialist teacher, in Music. |
How can I help at home?
One of the keyways every parent can help, is to ensure that your child is at school every day and on time. Other than this, the main way you can help is by ensuring that your child reads every day, for at least 25 minutes – this can be with you, or on their own, but it is the most effective way of ensuring that your child progresses and learns outside of school. Practicing times tables frequently is vital, and children should be confident in their times tables by the end of year 4.
Children have logins for Times Tables Rockstars and Purple Mash– please encourage them to use this frequently, as it will really help with their quick recall of mathematical facts.
If you have any questions, please talk to Miss Sayers or Ms Hewitt, alternatively, you can arrange a meeting via the school email.
Thank you,
Miss Sayers and Ms Hewitt