Catering Information and Useful Links
Catering at this academy
The lunch catering service is provided by Chartwells, part of the Compass Group. Chartwells are a well-established and experienced school caterer. The service is provided under contract with Harris Federation.
A typical lunch-time food offering.
Below are details of the current lunchtime menu service which you can see runs on a three weekly menu cycle - this link provides details of the current lunchtime menu.
All payments for meals, if applicable, can be made through ParentPay - login here
About ParentPay
In an attempt to remove the need for cash and cheques from the academy we are asking parents to use our e-payment method to pay for school meals, trips, music lessons etc.
This can be done online using a very secure website called ParentPay.
Already have a ParentPay account?
If you already have a ParentPay account, you simply login to that account and add another child via the 'Add a Child Tab' on your home page. You will need the below activation username and password to do this.
New to ParentPay?
You have a secure online account which is activated using the unique activation username and password provided by the school office. You will be prompted to change the password when you first login. Please note both your Username and Password for future logins.
If you have two or more children at a ParentPay academy or school, you only need to activate one account as your ‘main account’ and then add your other children via the Add a Child tab on your home page.
You will now need to visit and activate your account via the account login area on the home page of this site.
ParentPay holds an electronic record of your payments which can be viewed at a later date. Once you have activated your account you can make online payments straight away.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Academy if you need assistance.
Universal Infant Free School Meals
Don't forget, if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 then they can get their lunchtime meal free of charge as part of the Universal Infant Free School Meal programme!
Universal Free School Meals Programme
We are very excited to share the Mayor of London is ensuring all primary school children who attend state schools in London will receive free school meals for the full academic year, starting September2023.
This means that your child and all children in our school will be entitled to free nutritious school meals from September 2023!
Your child will receive their free school meal automatically, but it’s still really important to complete the Government’s Free School Meals registration in case your child is eligible for extra funding for their school from the Government, worth £1,300 per year to be spent on your child's education. Details of registration are listed under the section 'Eligible Free School Meals'
Eligible Free School Meals
Your child may be entitled to free school meals. Even if your child does not wish to eat free school meals, but is entitled to them, it's worth applying because for each child entitled to free school meals under this programme the Academy could receive funding to help with tuition, resources, coaching and extra assistance.
Find out if your child is entitled to free school meals by accessing this link. Or you can complete the form on the link below and we will be able to assess your eligibility:
Here is a link to the Eatwell Guide (from Public Health England) – this provides a useful overview of what food groups make up a balanced and healthy diet.
If your child has a special diet and/or certain food intolerances, then we have a special diet procedure which contains a form for the parent/carer to complete and return - please enquire in the academy office.
Packed Lunches
Children are encouraged to bring a healthy packed lunch in a named lunch box or bag. Whilst it is the parents/carers choice as to what they put in their children’s lunch box, we do encourage a healthy mix and we do not allow children to eat sweets, full-sized chocolate bars or drink fizzy drinks as part of their lunch.
Please ensure that both the lunchbox and drink flask are clearly labelled with your child's name and class.
Getting ideas and inspiration for what to include in your child’s lunchbox can be a difficult task. Healthy eating is simply about getting a better balance and eating a wide variety of foods. All foods provide energy and nutrients and it is achieving the correct intake of those nutrients that are important for health. Variety is the key to a healthy diet, so try not to offer the same foods on consecutive days. By including a broad range of different foods, a much wider variety of nutrients will be eaten. The ‘Healthier Lunchbox Checklist’ helps to explain what ‘a healthy mix’ means in terms of getting a well-balanced meal in a lunchbox.
Healthier Lunchbox Checklist:
- A good portion of starchy food: e.g. thick wholemeal bread, chapatti, pitta pocket, pasta or rice salad?
- Plenty of fruit and vegetables: e.g. an apple, a satsuma, handful of cherry tomatoes or carrot sticks, mini-can of fruit chunks or a small box of raisins?
- A portion of milk or dairy food: e.g. individual cheese portion or pot of yoghurt?
- A portion of lean meat, fish or alternative: e.g. ham, chicken, beef, tuna, egg, hummus or bean/lentil salad?
- A drink: e.g fruit juice, milk or water.
Please note that we DO NOT ALLOW PRODUCTS CONTAINING NUTS. Please do not send any nuts or products containing nuts (such as peanut butter, Nutella or cereal bars with nuts) into the academy with your child.
The following links contain some useful information on healthy packed lunches:
Useful Links
Parentview | |
Ofsted | |
Department for Education performance tables | |
ParentPay | |
My Child At School |