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We had such an amazing time at the Carnival yesterday - thank you so much for all the support and contributions! 🎪☀️🍦


We are really looking forward to carnival this afternoon! As it will be hot, please follow these sun-safety tips to make sure children are safe:


Last  Friday, we had an amazing time celebrating Bastille Day at Kent House! From nursery to Y6, every child enjoyed a rich experience. It was a day full of fun, learning, and vibrant cultural immersion!


We are so proud of our Nursery children, graduating up into Reception! They are amazing, and have grown and learned so much this year! 🎓 (They blew our socks off! 🧦🧦)


We are so excited to be hosting and for a friendly football competition today - years 3, 4 and 5! We're lookong forward to seeing some amazing sportsmanship


Our Year 4s have been creating some incredible artwork! Here are their tie-die t-shirts, inspired by the work of Lisa Walton and Chuah Thean Teng


We really enjoyed hearing and learning about how brass instruments work, and even had a demonstration!


On Wednesday this week our Year 6 children took part in the Junior Citizenship scheme, working with , , and to make sure we are all secondary-ready!


Some of our Year 5s and 6s went to watch (and play!) some world-class cricket at the County Cricket Ground yesterday - West Indies v First Class County!


Our year 1s had an amazing time at Kew Gardens yesterday, learning so much about flowers and how plants grow!


I wonder if you can spot our fabulous musicians in the Harris Federation Primary Orchestra!


To all our Year 6 parents and carers:We are on the train back to Kent House, ETA back at school is 18:15 🚂


Year 6 have arrived at the Apollo Victoria Theatre ready to watch Wicked! 🧹


We are really excited to be able to invite you to another Book Fair here at Kent House📚📍Friday 12th and Monday 15th July 2024 at 3.30 pm📍In the Hall or in the playground (weather depending)📍We will only be accepting card on the day


Excited to read that Y6 are going to see this afternoon! What a spectacular end of year treat for them. They are going to LOVE it! Have the best time 🥳 🎭!


To all our Year 6 parents and carers:We are so excited for our trip to see Wicked this afternoon! Just a reminder that we will not return to school until approximately 6:30pm. We will let you know if we will be any earlier/later!


Some lovely pictures from our Year 3 DT learning! The children made some great mechanical puppets using recognisable characters and different motions to meet their design brief 🙂


Our Year 4s had an incredible time at the Houses of Parliament last week, discovering how our country is run, and even engaging in a debate!


All smiles ahead of year 3 & 4 Sports Day! 💪☀️


Another beautiful day for Sports Day, our children and parents are having a brilliant time!

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Year Groups


By clicking on your child's year group you will be able to see the learning that they are doing this half-term, broken down into each subject, along with some useful pieces of key information such as start and end times, and PE days.

Home Learning – Useful Tips and Tools

During the closure we provided an extensive home learning resource which was available through our online learning platforms: We  primarily used the online resources of Mathletics and Purple Mash. This resource works for all children however, Reception children will use 2BAP.

These resources are still online, and working, and can be used to supplement children's learning. We would also use these again in the event of a local lockdown or closure.

  • Please note that the Teams page and chat is a classroom for children and their learning - parents and carers if you have questions or feedback, please contact the school office -
  • Lastly, the Teams page will act as a classroom which means that children are expected to act and behave in an appropriate manner. Many children are used to instant messaging and online gaming, and some elements of Teams (such as messaging) can feel similar. Please remind your children that the Teams page is not a social networking site, and is their classroom. Chat will be muted before and after school as children will note be expected to be using it outside of school hours.
  • Thank you all for your support and patience over the next few weeks – please let us know if there are any issues we can help with

These online platforms can be accessed here:

Times Table Rockstars:        

Purple Mash:                          

Harris Primary Academy Youtube site:

Page Downloads

Title Date  
Design and Technology Year 1 16th May 2023 Download
Design and Technology Year 2 16th May 2023 Download
Design and Technology Year 3 16th May 2023 Download
Design and Technology Year 4 16th May 2023 Download
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Design and Technology Year 6 16th May 2023 Download
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Geography Year 2 16th May 2023 Download
Geography Year 3 16th May 2023 Download
Geography Year 4 16th May 2023 Download
Geography Year 5 16th May 2023 Download
Geography Year 6 16th May 2023 Download
Harris Kent House Art and Design Summary 2021 22 09th Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Art and Design Summary 21 22 11th Oct 2021 Download
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Harris Kent House Computing Summary 2021 22 11th Oct 2021 Download
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Harris Kent House Curriculum Intent 2021 05th Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Design and Technology Summary 2020 21 09th Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Design and Technology Summary 2021 22 19th Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Design and Technology Summary 2021 22 19th Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Geography Summary 2021 22 11th Oct 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Geography Summary 2021 22 09th Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House History Summary 2021 22 11th Oct 2021 Download
Harris Kent House History Summary 2021 22 09th Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Literacy Summary 2021 22 11th Oct 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Literacy Summary 2021 22 09th Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Maths Summary 2020 21 WEBSITE 16th Dec 2020 Download
Harris Kent House Maths Summary 2021 2022 09th Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Maths Summary 2021 2022 11th Oct 2021 Download
Harris Kent House MFL Summary 2021 22 09th Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House MFL Summary 2021 22 11th Oct 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Music Summary 21 22 11th Oct 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Physical Education Summary 2020 21 11th Oct 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Physical Education Summary 2020 21 24th Oct 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Physical Education Summary 2020 21 24th Oct 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Physical Education Summary 2021 22 09th Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House PSHE Summary 21 22 09th Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House PSHE Summary 21 22 11th Oct 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Religious Education Summary 24th Oct 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Religious Education Summary 21 22 23rd Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Religious Education Summary 21 22 09th Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Religious Education Summary 21 22 11th Oct 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Science Summary 2021 22 09th Nov 2021 Download
Harris Kent House Science Summary 21 22 11th Oct 2021 Download
History Year 1 16th May 2023 Download
History Year 2 16th May 2023 Download
History Year 3 16th May 2023 Download
History Year 4 16th May 2023 Download
History Year 5 16th May 2023 Download
History Year 6 16th May 2023 Download
HPAKH 2023 Results 10th Oct 2023 Download
Music intent statement 21 22 24th Oct 2021 Download
Online Learning Summary 07th Oct 2020 Download
PSHE Overview 2020 21 23rd Sep 2020 Download
RE Year 1 16th May 2023 Download
RE Year 2 16th May 2023 Download
RE Year 3 16th May 2023 Download
RE Year 4 16th May 2023 Download
RE Year 5 16th May 2023 Download
RE Year 6 16th May 2023 Download
Science Year 1 16th May 2023 Download
Science Year 2 16th May 2023 Download
Science Year 3 16th May 2023 Download
Science Year 4 16th May 2023 Download
Science Year 5 16th May 2023 Download
Science Year 6 16th May 2023 Download