Spring 1
Welcome to Reception!
Daisy and Bluebell class
While your child’s class teacher is your first point of contact for any information about your child and their learning, information will also be shared via SchoolComms, letters in your child’s book bag and the EvidenceMe app.
Staff Team
Bluebell Class | Miss Zanna Kellett - Class Teacher and Early Years Phase Leader Miss Hannah Lane – Teacher Mrs Rachel Tadman – Early Years Teaching Assistant |
Daisy Class | Miss Eva Diaz – Class Teacher Ms Mariam Tomukunde - Early Years Teaching Assistant |
Key Times
Children start school at 8.30am and finish at 3.30pm. It’s imperative that your child is on time for school, especially because our first lesson is Read Write Inc. Phonics.
Reception have PE on Wednesday but should leave their PE kit in school for the whole half term. Label everything with your child’s name and please include spare socks and underwear.
Communication and Language | Physical Development | ||||||||||
To be able to listen to others and respond by making relevant comments and answer questions about what they have heard. To be able to contribute to small group and whole class discussions offering prompts and cues during conversations. To be able to speak in complete sentences keeping conversations going by remaining on topic. To be able to use extended sentences and begin to add new vocabulary.
| To be able to use small tools with greater proficiency. e.g. cutlery, pencils, scissors. To be able to experiment with different ways of moving, testing out ideas and adapting movements sometimes combining movements together in a sequence. To be able to develop and refine a range of ball skills including kicking, batting, passing and aiming. To be able to jump off an object and land safely. | ||||||||||
Personal, Social and Emotional Development | Literacy | ||||||||||
To be able to recognise a wide range of emotions through body language, expressions and tone of voice. To understand why we have class rules. To be able to spend an extended period of time accessing chosen areas independently. To understand the need for healthy lifestyle choices.
| Our core texts this half term are:
To be able to recall stories, rhymes and poems with increasing detail including main story setting, characters and key events. To be able to recognise features of non-fiction texts eg contents, captions and index page. To be able to write simple sentences that are phonetically plausible, sometimes using full stops and capital letters. | ||||||||||
Mathematics | Understanding the World | ||||||||||
| To be able to draw simple comparisons between their own culture and heritage and those of others. To be able to talk about aspects of life in other countries. To be able to ask why and how questions on what they observe in the natural world around them e.g. ice melting, cooking, floating/sinking, magnetism. To be able to know that information can be retrieved from digital devices and the internet. To be able to make simple comparisons between old and new.
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Expressive Arts and Design | RWI | ||||||||||
To be able to recognise and mix secondary colours including tonal variations. Look at artist Kandinsky. To be able to design for a purpose and explain their process. To be able to adapt well known narratives, stories and songs. To be able print on to a range of materials e.g. newspaper, coloured paper, fabric using different manmade and natural objects. To be able to join and combine materials together to achieve a desired effect for example transient art, collage. To be able to copy and continue a simple beat/rhythm/ pattern using musical instruments and body parts.
| To know set 1 special friends and read words containing them. To be able to read alien words containing 3/4 sounds.
How to Help at Home
Give your child a healthy breakfast – or if you’d like to book breakfast club, speak to the school office
Come to school promptly at 8.30am every day
Walk, scoot or cycle to school, or if you live too far away, consider getting off the bus or parking the car a few minutes away – exercise is a great way to wake up and feel energised and focused, ready for learning
Talk with your child about your day, about their interests, and about their learning
Consider how much screen time your child has, and make sure what they are accessing online is appropriate for their age
Read to your child every day
Check their book bag for homework
Practise writing their name using a capital letter followed by lower case letters e.g. Amir, and as the term progresses, the sounds they have learnt in phonics
Practise counting in real-life contexts e.g. counting the plates while you set the table
Set a bedtime so your child gets a good night’s sleep
Getting in Touch
If you’d like more information or have any questions about your child or the school, please come and speak to your child’s teacher, or if you need a longer conversation, call or email the school office to arrange a meeting.
Throughout the year, we would love for you to get involved in your child’s learning by attending events, volunteering on trips, or coming into school for story time once all the children are settled. Please keep an eye on your emails from the school to find out about these opportunities.
Thank you and all the best,
The EYFS Team