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We had such an amazing time at the Carnival yesterday - thank you so much for all the support and contributions! 🎪☀️🍦


We are really looking forward to carnival this afternoon! As it will be hot, please follow these sun-safety tips to make sure children are safe:


Last  Friday, we had an amazing time celebrating Bastille Day at Kent House! From nursery to Y6, every child enjoyed a rich experience. It was a day full of fun, learning, and vibrant cultural immersion!


We are so proud of our Nursery children, graduating up into Reception! They are amazing, and have grown and learned so much this year! 🎓 (They blew our socks off! 🧦🧦)


We are so excited to be hosting and for a friendly football competition today - years 3, 4 and 5! We're lookong forward to seeing some amazing sportsmanship


Our Year 4s have been creating some incredible artwork! Here are their tie-die t-shirts, inspired by the work of Lisa Walton and Chuah Thean Teng


We really enjoyed hearing and learning about how brass instruments work, and even had a demonstration!


On Wednesday this week our Year 6 children took part in the Junior Citizenship scheme, working with , , and to make sure we are all secondary-ready!


Some of our Year 5s and 6s went to watch (and play!) some world-class cricket at the County Cricket Ground yesterday - West Indies v First Class County!


Our year 1s had an amazing time at Kew Gardens yesterday, learning so much about flowers and how plants grow!


I wonder if you can spot our fabulous musicians in the Harris Federation Primary Orchestra!


To all our Year 6 parents and carers:We are on the train back to Kent House, ETA back at school is 18:15 🚂


Year 6 have arrived at the Apollo Victoria Theatre ready to watch Wicked! 🧹


We are really excited to be able to invite you to another Book Fair here at Kent House📚📍Friday 12th and Monday 15th July 2024 at 3.30 pm📍In the Hall or in the playground (weather depending)📍We will only be accepting card on the day


Excited to read that Y6 are going to see this afternoon! What a spectacular end of year treat for them. They are going to LOVE it! Have the best time 🥳 🎭!


To all our Year 6 parents and carers:We are so excited for our trip to see Wicked this afternoon! Just a reminder that we will not return to school until approximately 6:30pm. We will let you know if we will be any earlier/later!


Some lovely pictures from our Year 3 DT learning! The children made some great mechanical puppets using recognisable characters and different motions to meet their design brief 🙂


Our Year 4s had an incredible time at the Houses of Parliament last week, discovering how our country is run, and even engaging in a debate!


All smiles ahead of year 3 & 4 Sports Day! 💪☀️


Another beautiful day for Sports Day, our children and parents are having a brilliant time!

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Summer 2
Welcome to Reception!
Lion and Tiger class  


Welcome to the second half of Summer Term! 

Welcome back to Year R! Below, you’ll find valuable information to support your child’s learning journey this term, from organizing their week to enhancing their learning at home.  

Summer 2 is a busy time, so keep an eye on your messages for information about events such as our end of year carnival.  

It’s vital that you check your child’s bag and read with them every day. We also send out codes for Read Write Inc videos to watch. Read Write Inc encourages children to read the same book several times, so they can read it confidently and with a storyteller voice – books will not be changed every day, but reading the same book again supports fluency and speedier reading.  

The EYFS staff team are always here to help. Tiger class is taught by Miss Stagg and Lion Class is taught by Miss Kellett. Both the Reception classes are supported by Ms Mariam and Mrs Tadman.   



Please ensure you are reading with your child every day as this is crucial for the development of their literacy skills. Please also return reading wallets every day, as books are changed in line with lessons at school so the day your child’s book is changed will vary. 

You can also support your child at home by: 

  • Reading story books to them daily as well as listening to them read – please loan books from the library trolley located just inside the Reception Area by the gate.   

  • Supporting them with their tripod pencil grip and encouraging them to write for a purpose e.g. writing the shopping list, writing a card to a friend or relative 

  • Counting and talking about real life number problems e.g. while sorting laundry or during the walk to school  

  • Talking about self-care and healthy lifestyles including brushing teeth, exercise, and eating nutritious foods 

  • Checking the learning displays outside the classrooms and talking with your child about what they have been learning in school  



In year R, the PE day is Wednesday. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit on this days. Please ensure you REMOVE all earrings on a Wednesday. Please label ALL your child’s clothes, both their uniform and PE kit, with their name.  


This half-term we hope to be visited by members of our local allotment community to support us with our outdoor projects. We also hope have a minibeast and small animal experience, and a visit from a dentist!  


Key Times 

In EYFS, children will start at 8:30am and will be dismissed at the end of the day at 3:30pm.    


What are we learning?  

In Reception, we follow the Early Years Statutory Framework and focus on seven key areas of learning according. Each of these areas has specific Early Learning Goals which transition into the Year 1 National Curriculum. Our planning is carefully designed to help children achieve these early learning goals by the end of the academic year. 

Communication and Language  

The children will be learning to make appropriate comments and ask relevant questions. They will learn to be active participants in paired, small group and class discussions. They will speak in full sentences using a wide range of vocabulary when holding an extended two-way conversation with others. 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development  

The children will continue using a range of strategies to manage their emotions. They will resolve conflicts with their peers and celebrate their successes as a team. They will also explore the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices, including eating nutritious food, exercise, sleep, and dental hygiene. Towards the end of the term, the children will engage in transition activities to support their move up to Year 1.  

Physical Development  

The children will continue developing their fine motor skills to use a consistent tripod grip and form letters neatly. The children will also learn to use a range of small tools with greater proficiency. The children will be developing and refining their climbing and balancing skills. They will also learn athletics for sports day, and dance for carnival.  


The children will be composing and writing sentences, rhymes, letters, descriptive sentences, and posters. They will be retelling familiar stories both orally and in writing, and beginning to invent their own stories. They will be writing sentences which are phonetically plausible, contain some red words, start with capital letters, have finger spaces between words, and full stops at the end. 


The children will be exploring number problems involving addition and subtraction, doubling, odd, even, and halving. We will also investigate repeating patterns, and continue developing children’s understanding of number facts and patterns including number bonds and the pattern of numbers beyond 20. 

Understanding the World 

The children will consider their local area and talk about similarities and differences. We will learn about important historical figures and their lives, and think about what has changed since then, comparing lives in the past and present.   

Expressive Arts and Design 

The children will continue creating observational drawings. They will create simple beats and rhythms using musical instruments and their body parts. The children will use different materials, tools and techniques with accuracy for a purpose. They will also continue mixing a range of colours to achieve a desired effect.  



How can I help at home? 

There are a few things your child needs every day, which have a huge impact on their learning at school: 

  • Getting a good night’s sleep (5-year-olds need 10-13 hours every night) 

  • Eating a nutritious breakfast, either at home or at breakfast club, and eating a healthy diet with snacks like fruit, vegetables or rice cakes after school 

  • Having a positive conversation with you on the way to school in the morning – this might be about a book, a school subject, or a special interest  

  • Coming to school on time every day 

  • Reading with you for at least 10 minutes after school  

  • Exercising e.g. walking, scooting, cycling, playing at the park 

  • Following World Health Organization guidance with regard to screen time (A maximum of 1-2 hours per day) 

Additional Information  

In Reception, we are keen explorers and spend lots of time outdoors. We will go out in all weathers! As the weather changes, please make sure your child has appropriate clothing to play outside – a waterproof coat for rainy days, and suncream and a hat on sunny days. We ask all children to keep a pair of wellington boots at school to use throughout the year. Please ensure all of your child’s belongings have their name in/on them.  

We are always happy to receive donated resources. We are currently looking for: 

  • Natural toys such as wooden blocks 

  • Real pots/pans/sieves, and dolls, role play items e.g. doctor sets 

  • Dressing up clothes.  

  • Books 

If you have any questions, please talk to Miss Stagg or Miss Kellett.    


Thank you,    


The EYFS Team